Some highlights:
Open Stal 2024 'Droomland'.
‘Wakker’ was showed this summer together with 50 artists, who present their work at about 20 locations, such as in the stables of a farm, the church, in galleries, garages, gardens, in the forest and in the former CAV cattle feed factory.
Sequencing Places is a visualization (randomly looping video) of found audio material and recordings he made him self from all over the world. [expo 14 & 15 October 2023 Langhuis, Zwolle]
'Silence', looking for the quietest place in the Netherlands. Does true silence still exist?
'Crossfading places' is about lost personal places that have been replaced by new buildings with new functions. This this work has been exhibited during the IJssel Biennale 2021. See also this press release: exposition.
The 'Border' is a long-running project in which he tries to capture the atmosphere on country borders that seem to have no function anymore.
Wijnand Bredewold (1961) is actief in verschillende artistieke disciplines, zoals installaties, radiokunst, fotografie, video, audio, muziek en audiovisuele software. Zijn creatieve kompas laat zich leiden door concepten in thema's die natuur en samenleving verbinden. Uitgerust met camera's en geluidsrecorders gaat hij graag op pad om materiaal voor zijn werk vast te leggen.